Отзыв о Баку "Baku travel agencies"

Нет аватараГость Оценил(а) город Баку на Baku travel agencies
Отзыв написан 22 января, 2009, 14:22
Hi.My name is Barbara, from US, state California. I started studing Russian few years ago, so I'm able to read and comment:) Actually, my Californian friends help me and now I can read easily, sometimes having some problems with writing.I saw writing about Bakurent.I was in Baku few weeks ago on a study trip. (I'm researching Extactive Industries Transparency Initiative and Azerbaijan has quite good results on this) Of course as a researcher making research on my own money, I was quite interested in finding reasonable and even cheap accomondation. I looked for several hotels, they are quite expensive, to be honest. Sometimes even much more than we have here in US.when searching internet I got to bakurent.com. Just wrote to them an e-mail. I got immediate answer and what I liked most they had photos of apartments offered. There was huge choice in price and location. Their prices were much cheaper. It;s possible to get very good 2 or 3 bedroom apartments for 70-80 USD! I liked travel agents very much, really very good guys. First I thought my Russian will be helpful, but to my great surprise their English was cool! I also used their airport pick-up service. they are quite nice people and even helped me with sightseeing. I shared with this information with different friends and I definetely advice this company.Btw, I liked Baku very much! It's so nice at nights.
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