That's an awful choice to live, friends... We tokk the most expensive room in that so-called "hotel". Although commersial says that this room is the best choise for honey-moon and just-married people, probably in Cherkassy just married people don't care too much about their hihiene - niether shower gel, neither shampoo didn't appered in our bath even after us asking to bring it. What kind of hotel is that? Even one-star hotel somewhere in Zimbabve would have shower-gels. Wi-fi didn't work as well, although that was one of the reasons to choose that place to stand. Every day we were listening for exuces from administrater from "it is just broken and will work tmrw" till "it is about to work". Oh, yes, shower gel and shampoos were also "coming this Monday, than Tuesday, than Wednesday... Well, good luck to stay there! At least you will quietness from civilization :)))